Monthly Archives: May 2016

My short story “The Key” reprinted in: Morpheus Tales: The Best Weird Fiction Volume 5



At long last my drought is over! Well, sort of… Morpheus Tales has selected my previously published short story “The Key” for their Best Weird Fiction Volume 5. Needless to say, I’m grateful to have something published again!

The Key begins with with a man burying his father. As he says his final farewell to his Old Man in his coffin he slips his hand beneath the departed’s collar and claims what his father has tried his entire life to keep from him, a key…

You can read my story, as well as many others from a group of talented authors, in the 110 page volume for a measly $6.88.

You can buy your paper copy here:

And for you futurists the Ebook can be purchased here for $2.99: